The Pantry Detox: Eco-Friendly Organisation

We believe that sustainability and organisation go hand in hand, especially in the heart of your home—the kitchen. This week, our detox mission is to take a look at food storage & your pantry! Check out our other super popular pantry blog if you're looking for tips on how to organise your pantry to reduce waste.


Transforming your pantry into a zero-waste haven might seem like a daunting task, but with the right tools and a bit of inspiration, it's entirely achievable—and fun! Here's how you can start your own Pantry Detox:

  1. Clear Out and Declutter: Begin by emptying your pantry. Take stock of what you have, and set aside any items stored in plastic. This is your chance to rethink how you store your food.

  2. Switch to Glass and Stainless Steel: Replace plastic containers with glass jars or stainless steel containers. Not only do these materials keep your food fresher for longer, but they also look beautiful on your shelves, making it easy to see what you have at a glance.

  1. Label Everything: Label your jars with their contents and any necessary cooking instructions. This small step can make a big difference in staying organised and reducing food waste.

  2. Shop in Bulk: Take your reusable bags and containers to the bulk section of your grocery store. By purchasing only what you need, you reduce waste and save money. Plus, bulk shopping allows you to avoid unnecessary plastic packaging.

  3. Compost and Recycle: Any items that can't be reused or repurposed should be composted or recycled whenever possible. Seed & Sprout offers a range of compost bins and recycling solutions to help you manage waste responsibly.


  • Start Small: You don’t have to overhaul your entire kitchen in one day. Begin with one section of your pantry and expand as you go. Simple changes like swapping out your plastic chopping boards as they become degraded to Wood Fibre Chopping Boards is just one example of a small swap.
  • Stay Committed: Make a commitment to avoid plastic packaging whenever possible. This might mean visiting a few different stores, but the satisfaction of reducing your plastic footprint is worth the extra effort.
  • Involve the Family: Make your pantry detox a family affair. Teaching kids about the importance of sustainability from a young age can instill lifelong habits of eco-conscious living.


By embracing a clutter-free and toxic free lifestyle, you're not only creating a more organised and beautiful home, but you're also contributing to a healthier planet. We are here to support you every step of the way with our eco-friendly products and sustainable living tips.

Looking for more organisation tips? Read more from me about how to organise your pantry into 6 groups - it's a winner!

Love Sophie x